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Welcome to our Community Projects page, where we take pride in our commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of individuals, particularly our Armed Forces veterans family, in collaboration with our valued partners. Our notable initiative, Mind & Body PT, funded by Sport England in conjunction with Active Lancashire, stands as a testament to our dedication. This program not only provided participants with three essential qualifications - Level 2 Gym Instructor, Level 3 Personal Trainer, and Mental Health First Aid - but also empowered them to assist fellow veterans within their respective organisations. Billy, one of our qualified learners, now volunteers for Burnley FC in the Community, utilizing his newfound skills to contribute to the Veterans Football Team. His efforts were so impactful that Burnley FC are going to employ him, recognising his qualifications and contributions.

We also extend our support to Healthier Heroes CIC, offering free qualifications, including Mind & Body PT, Mental Health First Aid, First Aid, and fitness sessions to veterans housed there. Recognising our dedication, Healthier Heroes honoured us with an award last year which was collected at the Healthier Heroes Charity Ball by Lee Pearson a Director and Founder of Inner Peak Wellbeing CIC.

Another success story we take pride in is the work we have delivered through our collaboration with Preston North End Community Trust. This relationship has enabled us to provide Mental Health Awareness training and Mind & Body PT to Armed Forces Veterans at the club. Darren the Armed Forces Veterans Officer at the club now delivers fitness classes and runs the football team for Armed Forces veterans with his new-found skills gained from our Mind & Body PT project. Our collaborative efforts with Preston North End Community Trust further emphasise our commitment to delivering Mind & Body PT and Mental Health Awareness training for free to Armed Forces veterans.

Recently we have also organised and supported numerous Charity events including football tournaments at HMP Wymott that saw prisoners take on staff and supported Healthier Heroes CIC.

The National 3 peaks challenge last year supported Depher CIC a charity in Burnley that provides free Gas and Boiler repairs to those in need.

As we look ahead, we are excited about creating further partnerships with additional funding organisations, allowing us to extend our support to those in need across our community and the broader North West region.

Mental Health First Aid: About
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